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There is more to it than just including Allergens!

The FIC Regulations were introduced on 13/12/2014 but it was announced that on 13/12/2016 that all labels need to be compliant.

The Packaged Goods Regulations also need to be complied with, which deal with font size and field of view for some of the legal text.

With an unlimited fine and up to 2 years imprisonment, it is essential that your labels are legal.

On 31/12/2015 Dame Sally Davies a UK Chief Medical Officer announced that the advisory maximum quantity of alcohol consumed by man and women will be changed to be the same at 2 units per day or 14 per week.

Post Brexit if you are exporting to Europe you will need to ensure your labels are legal.

I have a database set up for all the legal requirements in most West European languages 

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